This may be an overwhelming and difficult time for you and your family. Please know that you are not alone. Hospice of the Valleys focuses on dignity, relief of suffering, and compassion in loss. We are here to walk you through the necessary steps that need to be taken in order for you or your loved one to receive compassionate hospice care.
Our website is designed to help educate you on what hospice is, who pays for hospice, how to choose the right hospice for you, the service Hospice of the Valleys provides, as well as access to a resource library with required forms and useful information. However, we are here 24/7 to answer your questions so please feel free to call us anytime (951) 200-7800.
Grief is a natural process and Hospice of the Valleys Grief Support Services is a comprehensive program that addresses the needs that arise following the death of a loved one. Grief Support Services provide bereavement care for patients' family members and the community at large. Our services are designed to meet the bereavement needs of those who have experienced the death of a loved one within the past two years. A Hospice of the Valleys bereavement counselor is available to answer any question you may have, whether or not your loved one was our patient.
Help with Coping
Professional grief counselors and trained volunteers guide individuals through the process of mourning. This assistance is available in either a group setting or through limited individual counseling sessions. The purpose of grief counseling is to help adults, children and families cope as they face the loss of a loved one.
Support Groups
Our bereavement staff hold master’s degrees in counseling, social work or spiritual care, with specialized training in grief support. Groups provide participants the opportunity to receive grief support alongside others who may be experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. The groups are offered several times a year and are free of charge. To receive more information please call (951) 200-7800.
Bereavement mailings contain helpful material about the grief process and suggestions for coping during the time of adjustment. These mailings are sent regularly to the bereaved during the first year after the patient's death.
Memorial services are held regularly and provide an opportunity for families, Hospice of the Valleys staff, volunteers and friends to remember those who have died in the recent past.
Educational presentations about dying, death and grief are offered as a community service to faith communities, schools and civic groups upon request. Please call Hospice of the Valleys for more information (951) 200-7800.