It's been almost a year since COVID-19 was designated a national emergency on March 13, 2020. As we come upon Valentine's Day 2021, I thought the best message might be to share some stories of people sharing love and joy throughout all the difficult days of this past year. They are proof that the Valentine's spirit of sharing love with each other thrives, even during the pandemic!
- In Delhi, India, the landlord of a 30 year old ICU doctor, made sure that a hot meal was left on the doorstep of the doctor each night when he arrived home late from the hospital. Dr. Barua and his landlord have become fast friends.
- Local seniors were heartbroken when they found that their lifeline, the senior center, was closing during the pandemic. Dance instructor Ellie got online and recorded all her dance classes on line and sent personal invitations to her class to "get together and dance" with her.
- At Fountain Hill Elementary School in Pennsylvania, teachers were aware of how much they missed eing with their students in person, and how much the students missed their favorite teachers. A special website called "Bedtime Stories" featuring the teachers reading familiar stories such as "Where the Wild Things Are" and "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight" was born. Now students can visit with their teachers to hear a story any time during the day...or for a special bed time story.
- A Fed Ex driver delivery person noticed a handwritten note posted on the front door of a home which read, "Please leave any delivers at the door: person with autoimmune disorder lives here." The family found a package with a message scrawled on it which read, "This package has been thoroughly sanitized especially for you." Beside it was partially used bottle of hand sanitizer.
- Amy, a performing artist who found herself out of work, came home one day to find a notice on the door from her landlord. She didn't want to read it, fearing it was an eviction notice. The note read: "I wanted you to know what whatever happens with your work I want you to feel secure in your home. We can talk together at some time to figure out the best way to cover the rent when you can, when you are able."
- One daughter shared a photo on Facebook of a sweet note which her parents, grandparents in their 80's had received from their six year old neighbor, Elsie. In a child's writing it read: "Hi, this is Elsie and I am 6. I wrote down my parent's number in case you need any food or medicine or want to talk with someone."
For Valentine's Day 2021, consider sending someone a greeting of kindness and joy which will defy COVID 19. Share the love!