One of the most loving actions you can do is to have the conversation about your end of life wishes with your loved ones. As the current television commercial reminds us, "life can change in an instant", and when it does, if we are not prepared, life can become very difficult, even tragic. Without good end of life car planning you could find yourself unable to make your wishes known and have another make them for you. You could watch your elderly parents suddenly thrown into a medical crisis with no idea what to do when you are told they cannot return home. You could be caring for you husband or wife in a care facility and discover you do not have the funds to continue to pay for his or her care. These are life crises which are all too common, which could be lessened or prevented by simply having a conversation about planning.
The California Health Care Foundation reported in 2012 that 90% of people say having this conversation is important, but 27% have actually done so. 60% of people say that making sure that their family is not burdened by tough decisions is extremely important, but 56% have not communicated their end of life wishes. 80% of people say that if they were seriously ill they would want to discuss their wishes for treatment with their doctor, but only 7% have actually done so.
One of the ways Hospice of the Valleys provides loving care to you and yours is to help you initiate this conversation about end of life planning. We invite you to one of two short workshops on "The Five Wishes." "The Five Wishes" is a special program which will help you make your wishes known to your loved ones and physician. The simple document which functions as an advance directive will help you express "5 Wishes": 1) who you want to make medical care decisions for you if you cannot; 2) which kind of medical treatment you might or might not want; 3) to express how comfortable you would like to be; 4) to record how you would like to be treated by others; 5) and to write down those things you want your loved ones to know.
These brief workshops and "The Five Wishes" document are our gift to you, to help you begin these important conversations and decisions. We hope you can join us on either Thursday, March 8th, from 10-11:30 a. m., or Thursday April 26th, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Both workshops will be held at our offices at Hospice of the Valleys, 25240 Hancock Ave., Suite 120, Murrieta, CA 92562. These workshops are free and open to the public.