
Can I choose my Hospice provider?

Yes. While you may consult with your physician, you ultimately choose your hospice care provider. According to Medicare, “a patient is free to choose any qualified agency offering him/her services.”

Who is eligible for Hospice?

As a general guideline, patients are eligible for hospice services once the patient’s physician and the hospice medical director have determined that the life expectancy of the patient is six months or less, should the disease run its expected course. Hospice care is available to anyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, or illness. Hospice of the Valleys affirms that each person is an individual of infinite worth and respects the dignity of all.

Who pays for Hospice?

Hospice care is covered under Medicare, Medi-Cal, most private insurance plans, HMO’s and other managed care organizations. 80% of people who receive hospice care are over the age of 65 and are entitled to services offered by the Medicare Hospice Benefit. This benefit covers virtually all aspects of hospice care. Because Hospice of the Valleys is a nonprofit organization, no one is denied care due to financial need.

When is the right time to ask about hospice care?

Now is the right time to learn more about hospice care and its benefits. End-of-life care is often difficult to discuss, especially at a crisis point during the course of a life-limiting illness. Planning ahead can reduce stress when the time comes for a hospice admission. Our admissions team would be glad to assist you and your family with such a discussion. We also encourage you to discuss the option of hospice care with your physician. To speak to an admission representative, please call us at (951) 200-7800. We are here to help.

How does hospice care begin?

With a simple phone call to Hospice of the Valleys at (951) 200-7800. Hospice care can begin immediately for those who qualify and we will contact your physician to obtain a referral.

Why should I choose Hospice of the Valleys?

For the past 35 years, our caring professionals have served Southwest Riverside County with quality, state-of-the art hospice care. As your local community hospice, we are uniquely qualified to serve you and your family with expert care as we foster reverence for life, relief of suffering, and compassion in loss. Our physicians work exclusively for Hospice of the Valleys and dedicate 100% of their time to our patients while maintaining low case loads.

If I don’t like my hospice agency, can I choose another?

Yes, you can choose another hospice.

If you have concerns, complaints or questions, you should first address them with your current hospice. Should you be unable to resolve the issues of concern, you have the right to transfer to another hospice. Contact the agency to which you would like to transfer to and they will call your current hospice provider. The agencies should work together to implement the transfer.

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